Optimum oral health begins with a healthy smile. If your smile is out of alignment, your oral hygiene can suffer. Cleaning misaligned teeth can often lead to hidden spaces that go untouched by brushing or flossing. These spaces can provide safe spaces for bad bacteria and plaque buildup.
Align your teeth for a healthy smile. Check to see if you suffer from any of the following:
– Deep bites, also sometimes mentioned or discussed as closed bites, consist of extreme forms of overbites in which the lower incisors bite into the area behind the upper incisors.
– Overbites, also sometimes mentioned or discussed as upper protrusions, overjets, or buck teeth, consist of the upper incisors (front teeth) protruding our further than the lower incisors.
– Underbites, also sometimes mentioned or discussed as bulldog teeth, consist of the lower incisors protruding our further than the upper incisors.
– Some malocclusions consist of overcrowded teeth. In this case, there is not enough space between each tooth, causing friction between the teeth, with bends and curvatures often taking place. Spacing issues can also refer to too much space between the teeth, causing abnormally large voids to appear.
– Misplaced midlines are malocclusions that result when the center of your incisors fails to properly line up with the center of your lower incisors.
– Crossbites are malocclusions that result when the lower jawbone protrudes further out than the upper jawbone.
– Open bites are malocclusions with disconnected top and bottom incisors when biting down.
– Other types of typical malocclusions include extra or missing teeth, various types of rotation issues, and transposition malocclusions.
If you have a misalignment issue and are looking for orthodontic treatments, you can contact Quality Orthodontic Care to schedule an appointment with Dr. John Fleming. We can be reached by calling us at 770-609-3270 or stopping by our office in Johns Creek, Georgia. It’s never too late for a smile makeover!