While you’re aligning your smile, it’s extremely important to take good care of your teeth and appliance. This is because if you keep your oral health and braces in tip-top shape, there is a chance you’ll avoid dental and orthodontic issues and you will stay on track toward your perfect smile.
So, to help you take good care of your braces and smile during orthodontic treatment in Johns Creek, Georgia, our Quality Orthodontic Care orthodontic team has some recommendations for you.
First, make sure to keep up on oral hygiene. This is vital because if you don’t, harmful particles, like food and plaque, can get trapped in the small spaces of your appliance and teeth and can cause tooth decay, enamel stains, and even gum disease. So, make sure you brush twice a day and floss your smile after each meal and snack. For the best results possible, we also recommend rinsing your mouth with a beneficial mouthwash daily.
Second, avoid eating foods that can harm your braces and smile. There are many products we encourage you to avoid, such as starchy, sugary, chewy, and sticky foods because they can endorse cavities, break brackets and wires, and encourage other oral health and appliance issues.
Third, protect your teeth and appliance. If you participate in high-contact sports and activities, it’s important to protect your mouth with a mouthguard whenever you are on the field or court. If you wear a mouthguard, your teeth, tongue, cheeks, lips, and braces can be protected from the hard, forceful objects that might hit them.
If you use these tips and do as Dr. John Fleming and our orthodontic team say, you’ll be on the right track toward the top-notch oral health and braces you deserve. For more information and details about how to take care of your teeth and braces, please call our office at 770-609-3270 now. We are happy to help you!