Tips on Caring for Your Smile After Completing Orthodontic Treatment

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Dr. John Fleming and our dental team care for you and your smile, which is why we encourage you to take good care of your smile during and after orthodontic treatment in Johns Creek, Georgia. Yes, that’s right. You still need to care for your teeth and gums after you’ve completely aligned your smile. To help you do so, our orthodontic team has some tips that can help you maintain the appearance you desire as well as a strong and successful oral health.

Tip No. 1: Wear your retainer – It’s important to follow Dr. John Fleming’s instructions and wear your retainer regularly. If you fail to do so, your teeth will be tempted to slide back into their original positions, giving you a once-again crooked smile. Then you would have wasted your time going through orthodontic treatment.

Tip No. 2: Keep up on oral hygiene – Make sure to brush twice a day and floss and rinse once a day. But, more importantly, schedule a dental cleaning. This is vital because there are nooks and crannies in your smile that were neglected during the alignment process. The appointment will allow your dental team to thoroughly and deeply clean those spaces as well as your entire mouth.

Tip No. 3: Wait to whiten – If you wish to whiten your teeth to beautify your smile, it’s recommended to wait about one month before doing so. Waiting will give your sensitive enamel a chance to strengthen itself, which should help reduce sensitivity.

As you can see, taking care of your smile after braces isn’t as difficult as you might have thought. However, it can still be a little tricky. So, if you have any questions or if you need additional help, please remember that our Quality Orthodontic Care team is here to help you in any way we can. All you need to do is dial 770-609-3270 and we will be thrilled to give you the answers you’re looking for!